The Data Layer Of
The Web3 Future.

DefraDB is a globally replicable and available P2P database, redefining promises of data ownership, personal privacy, and information security, around the user.

Reinvent your
relationship to data


Our database allows for the creation of a peer-to-peer network, with no centrally controlled entity


Deploy databases on any device, including edge, user devices, IOT, cloud native environments, and decentralized infrastructure.


No matter what data protocols you select, user consent and privacy protocols ensures that users own their data, and understand what it’s being used for


DefraDB benefits from Source ecosystem symbiosis, supported by our SourceHub blockchain and Secrets Engine, for enhanced trustless security

Under the hood

NoSQL-style document store database
Conflict-free replicated data types
P2P networking
Content addressable identifiers
Mutable & immutable data
Trust layer anchoring

Privacy as
a priority

Our commitment to privacy gives users the power to choose how their data is used. Stop giving companies free rein with your data, and put it towards goals that you consent to, and benefit from.


The internet of the future will live far beyond traditional server environments. That’s why DefraDB can be deployed anywhere, including edge, user devices, IOT, cloud native environments, and decentralized infrastructure.

Familiar Query Language

DefraDB ships with a native GraphQL query language. This ensures that we utilize an ecosystem of developer friendly tooling, instead of inventing a custom query interface, to get up and running more quickly.

Get Started

Build decentralized, secure, user-centric privacy-preserving Web3 applications. Now!


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